The Smart Computer Interfaces for Future Interactions (SciFi) Lab at Cornell University designs, develops, and evaluates intelligent sensing systems, with an emphasis on wearable forms, to facilitate natural and novel information exchange between humans, computers, and the environment. By leveraging the vast amounts of data obtained from these systems, the lab explores advanced signal processing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence techniques to advance key applications in activity recognition, health sensing, and natural user interfaces. The lab's ultimate goal is to enable computers of various form factors to seamlessly understand and predict human behaviors and intentions, providing users with support whenever and wherever they need it.


Beyond-Voice (IPSN'24)


C-Auth (ISWC'23)

D-Touch (IUI'23)


Sep. 2024: Three papers (ActSonic, SonicID, Ring-A-Pose) are accepted to IMWUT with minor revisions.
Sep. 2024: Cheng talked to WIRED on the potential privacy challenge for the future of wearables.
Aug. 2024: Ruidong Zhang and Ke Li in my lab were featured by Cornell Chronicle and highlighed as Cornell Graduate Student Spotlights.
June 2024: SeamPose is accepted to UIST'24.
June 2024: EchoGuide and MunchSonic are accepted to ISWC'24.
May 2024: Congrats to Yin Li for receiving Best Poster Award for the accompanying poster presentation for IPSN'24 paper Beyond-Voice.
Apr 2024: Congrats to Ke Li and Ruidong Zhang for winning Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2024. Highlighted by Cornell Chronicle and Graduate School.
Apr 2024: EyeEcho was covered by Forbes and Cornell Chronicle.
Mar 2024: GazeTrak was covered by New Scientist.
Feb 2024: Congrats to Ruidong Zhang and Ke Li for being selected as the finalist for Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship.
Jan 2024: Beyond-Voice was conditionally accepted to IPSN'24.
Jan 2024: EyeEcho and EchoWrist were conditionally accepted to CHI'24.
Nov 2023: PoseSonic was covered by Cornell Chronicle, Engadget, Hackster, Tech Explorist.
Nov 2023: GazeTrak was conditionally accepted to MobiCom'24.
Oct 2023: Cheng received Ubicomp 10-year Impact Award at Ubicomp/ISWC'23.
Oct 2023: HPSpeech (led by PhD student Ruidong Zhang) received ISWC'23 Best Paper Honorable Mention award.
Aug 2023: HPSpeech received highest review score and was nominated for ISWC'23 best paper award.
Aug 2023: Cheng accepted the role to be PC Chair for Ubicomp'24.
July 2023: Three papers (EchoNose, HPSpeech, C-Auth) (conditionally) accepted to ISWC'23.
April 2023: Ruidong talked to FastCompany about EchoSpeech.
April 2023: Ruidong's paper on EchoSpeech was covered by global media outlets, e.g., Engadget, PopularScience, Cornell Chronicle, NeuroScience News, Hackster, NewsAtlas, TechXplore,Interesting Engineering.
Feb 2023: Cheng received NSF CAREER Award (5 years) for developing intelligent wearables to understand human postures and activities in daily life.
Jan 2023: Cheng served as PC chair (note and brief) for ISWC'23.
Jan 2023: Two papers accepted to CHI'23.
Jan 2023: D-Touch was accepted to IUI'23.
Nov 2022: PhD student Hyunchul Lim was video interviewed by VOA news on his work BodyTrak.
Nov 2022: BodyTrak was covered by global media outlets, including CNET, Hackster, News Atlas, Interesting Engineering,Cornell Chronicle.
July 2022: EarIO was covered by global media outlets, including Engadget, Hackster, News Atlas, Cornell Chronicle.
July 2022: BodyTrak was accepted to IMWUT/Ubicomp'22.
Jun 2022: EatingTrak was accepted to MobilHCI'22.
Apr 2022: EarIO was accepted to IMWUT/Ubicomp'22 with minor revision (top 1-2%) .
Feb 2022: SpeeChin was covered by Cornell Chronicle, Gizmodo, Hackster, News Atlas, TechXplore.
Oct 2021: SpeeChin is accepted with minor revision to IMWUT/Ubicomp'22.
June 2021: HandyTrak is conditionally accepted to UIST'21.
May 2021: ThumbTrak is accepted to MobileHCI'21.
May 2021: NeckFace is accepted to IMWUT/Ubicomp21.
May 2021: IEEE Spectrum wrote a story on TeethTap.
Dec 2020: TeethTap is accepted to IUI 2021.
Oct 2020: NowThis released a video story on C-Face, including a video interview with Dr. Zhang.
Oct 2020: VisionSystem wrote a story on FingerTrak in their latest issue.
Oct 2020: C-Face was reported by Cornell Chronicle , Engadget , New Scientist, Mashable, New Atlas, South China Morning Post, Yahoo.
Sep 2020: VibroSense was covered by Cornell Chronicle , Engadget , Yahoo , NewAtlas . TechExplore, The Engineer, PhysicsWorld, Hackster .
Aug 2020: FingerTrak was recognized as one of three Best Demo nominees on ECCV 2020.
Jul 2020: FingerTrak was covered by global media outlets, including BBC, Forbes, Cornell Chronicle, Engadget, Gizmodo, VentureBeat, Yahoo.
Jul 2020: C-Face was accepted by UIST 2020.
Jul 2020: VibroSense was accepted by IMWUT /Ubicomp 2020.
Jul 2020: Thanks to Cornell China Center for funding our grant.
Jun 2020: FingerTrak was published on IMWUT/Ubicomp 2020.
Apr 2020: Cornell wrote a story about labmate Ben Steeper.
Dec 2019: Ben Steeper received honorable mention in Computing Research Association (CRA) Undergrad research award.