
Cheng Zhang
Ph.D. Students

RuiDong Zhang
Ph.D Student (Fall 2020- Present)
Remote during Fall 20-Spring 21 due to pandemic
Information Science

Ke Li
Ph.D Student (Summer 2021-Present)
Deferred admission to Summer 21 due to pandemic
Information Science
Catherine Yu
Tan Gemicioglu
Master's Students
Undergraduate Students

Vipin Gunda
Computer Science

Minghan Gao
Information Science and Communication

Peter He
Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jacky Jiang
Computer Science and Sport Analytics
Rice University

Mary Zhang
Information Science
Dylan Lee
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Lab Alumnus
Jiacheng Liu, CS, Intelligent Engineering and Creative Design, visiting student from Tsinghua University, liujc955528@gmail.com
Morris Mo, CS, undergrad, tm659@cornell.edu
Anant Shyam, CS, undergrad, ais64@cornell.edu
Sidhya Peddinti, CS, undergrad, svp27@cornell.edu
James Kim, CS, undergrad, jjk297@cornell.edu
Angela Yuan, IS, undergrad, yy625@cornell.edu
Cassidy Cheesman, IS, undergrad '24, crc268@cornell.edu
Ashwin Ajit, CS, undergrad '24, aa794@cornell.edu
Siqi Zhang, ECE, exchange student from Tsinghua University, sz624@cornell.edu
Shuyang Nie, CS, undergrad, sn429@cornell.edu
Adeyinka Oyemade, IS, undergrad, aao67@cornell.edu
Tomas Salgado, CS&Math, undergrad, tas268@cornell.edu
James Chen, CS, undergrad '24, bc526@cornell.edu
Richard Jin, CS, undergrad '24, rj284@cornell.edu
Hao Chen, IS, undergrad '24, hc732@cornell.edu
Guilin Hu, CS, undergrad '24, gh386@cornell.edu, now Ph.D. student @UW
Sissel Sun, M. Eng. CS '24, rs923@cornell.edu
Taylor Jiang, M. Eng. CS '24, sj640@cornell.edu
Tangwuyou Su, MPS IS '24, ts789@cornell.edu
Vineet Parikh, M.S. CS '24, vap43@cornell.edu
Claire Zhou, M. Eng. CS '24, xz256@cornell.edu
Yuliang Fu, Visiting Intern from Tsinghua University, Summer 2023
Rochelle Barsz, Electrical and Computer Engineering, rsb359@cornell.edu
Boao Dong, Computer Science, bd324@cornell.edu
Grace Wang, Computer Science, gzw2@cornell.edu
Daniel Cao, Computer Science, dyc33@cornell.edu
Zachary Ross, Information Science, znr3@cornell.edu
Jason Oh, Computer Science, jo293@cornell.edu
Devansh Agarwal, M. Eng. '23, da398@cornell.edu
Yaxuan Li, Visiting Student, Summer 2020, now Ph.D. student @ University of Michigan
Zihan Yan, Visiting Student, Summer 2020, now Ph.D. student @ MIT Media Lab
Mingyang Chen, Visiting Intern from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Summer 2020
Shengzhang (Jesrry) Wu, MPS Information Science, sw994@cornell.edu
Margia Rounok, M.S. Computer Science, mr879@cornell.edu
Wei Liu, Visiting Intern from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Summer 2020
Clara Song, Computer Science, Undergrad Research Assistant, Spring 2020, cs2274@cornell.edu
Nianyi Wang, Computer Science, M.S. Thesis Advised by Prof. Cheng Zhang, nw344@cornell.edu, now Software Engineer @ Meta
Songlin Xu, Visiting Intern from University of Science and Technology of China, Summer 2019, now Ph.D. student @ UCSD
Wei Sun, Visiting Student from Chinese Academy of Science, 2019
Andrew Xu, Computer Science, Undergrad Research Assistant, 2019, ax28@cornell.edu
Fang Hu, Visiting Intern from Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2019, now MS student @ UC Berkeley
Peng He, Visiting Intern from Hangzhou Dianzi University, Fall 2019, now MS student @ University of Southern California
Xiayan Ji, Visiting Intern, Summer 2019, now Ph.D. student @ University of Pennsylvania
Peng Cao, Visiting Intern from Peking University, Fall 2019, now Ph.D. student @ MIT EECS
Zhenyu Lei, Visiting Intern from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Summer 2019, now Ph.D. student @ UMass Amherst
Congshu Huang, Visiting Intern from Peking University, Summer 2019, now MS student @ Yale University
Ru Wang, Visiting Intern from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Summer 2018, now MS student @ UCSD
Yanjun Fu, Visiting Intern from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Summer 2019, now Ph.D. student @ Univeristy of Maryland
Chris Oh, Computer Science, Undergrad Research Assistant
Tianlin Zhao, Computer Science, Undergrad Research Assistant
Seyun Kim, Computer Science, Undergrad Research Assistant, now MS student @ Cornell CS
Songyun Tao, now Ph.D. student @ Dartmouth College CS
Nitish Gade, M.P.S. Research Assistant
Jessica Tweneboah, Electrical and Computer Engineering, CRA Undergrad Research Award Honorable Mention, jnt42@cornell.edu
Kinan Alsheikh, Computer Science, Undergrad Research Assistant, kta33@cornell.edu
Lucy Wang, Information Science, Undergrad Research Assistant, ljw222@cornell.edu
Samhita Pendyal, Biometry and Statistics, Undergrad Research Assistant, sp2377@cornell.edu
Austin Brown, Information Science
Michelle Li, Computer Science, myl39@cornell.edu
Rishitha Thambireddy, Computer Science, Rawlings Cornell Presidential Research Scholar, rt457@cornell.edu
Benjamin Steeper, M.S. Computer Science '19, CRA Undergrad Research Award Honorable Mention, bds238@cornell.edu,
Jackie Woo, M. Eng Computer Science, jmw499@cornell.edu
Jae Hoon Kim, Computer Science and Information Science, jk2765@cornell.edu
Matthew Dressa, Information Science, mtd67@cornell.edu
Abhinav Goyal, Computer Science, ag894@cornell.edu
Christopher Chandra, Information Science, cwc99@cornell.edu
Ryan Mao, Computer Science and Operations Research and Information Engineering, rwm275@cornell.edu
Shawn Chen, Computer Science, sc2489@cornell.edu
Cyrus Irani, Information Science, cri23@cornell.edu
Joy Zhu, Computer Science, jz589@cornell.edu
Tejal Nair, Mathematics and Computer Science, tn292@cornell.edu
Ingrid Zhu, Information Science and Psychology, yz2477@cornell.edu
Alan Han, Computer Science, ayh9@cornell.edu
David Lin, Computer Science, dxl2@cornell.edu
Tuochao Chen, Computer Science, Visiting Student from Peking University, tuochaochen@gmail.com
Afua Ansah, Electrical and Computer Engineering, ama376@cornell.edu
Vy Nguyen, Computer Science, vn46@cornell.edu
Yang Shen, Computer Science, ys656@cornell.edu
Yingyi Shu, Computer Science and Information Science, ys643@cornell.edu